As a homeschooling parent, the future of your kids and the world depends on you getting it right.
You know you need to learn more about homeschooling, and you’re worried that down the line what you don't know is going to mess them up.
This scenario is all too familiar:
You've been homeschooling and things are doing well, but you're still not sure they'll get all they're going to need for future success.
You want to make sure that your kids are ready for any endeavor they choose after high school.
There are so many resources out there, and so many opinions, but you really need someone to walk you through the steps to prepare them for college or how to make a life of their passions.

You're checking all the boxes, and covering the material, but you want them to have a really deep, Great Education, and wish your kids would be more inspired to learn so they'll become lifelong learners.
You're in a homeschool groove, but you know there should be more inspiration and passion for learning.
You wished your kids loved learning enough to take ownership of their own education.
Your kids are learning the basics, but you know that a deep, truly Great Education is necessary to become the leaders that this world desperately needs.
You’ve visited every recommended website, parenting blog and homeschool forums, but they are only pieces of the puzzle.
You know it's possible to create lifelong learners and leaders, you just need someone to give you the roadmap!
You know there is more to education than academics, you want them to be successful leaders, but resources like that can be hard to find and are all over the place.

I know how you feel...

I've been there too...
In my high school English teaching career, I always searched for better methods to help increase motivation and student success.
Then, as a homeschooler, I enthusiastically started down a path I thought was right, only to find both my son and I crying everyday from frustration! I saw my son losing his love of learning.
I realized my thinking and methods needed to change to really ensure life-long learning.
Using my experience as a teacher and a homeschooler, combined with tons of trial and error, study and mentoring along the way, we have now a more amazing homeschool experience than I could have imagined.
We have the most incredible family relationships, rich love of learning culture, and deep, rich study!
I have no doubt that my son, who owns his education, is prepared for success, is a life-long learner and will pursue his unique mission, making the world a better place!
Through my own experience and helping other homeschool families create these results for themselves, I created the The Raising Leaders Roadmap and the Preparing Leaders program!
I am on a mission to help families inspire their children to be life-long learners and leaders, and discover their unique mission!
You CAN master homeschooling and prepare your kids for future success...

Gain the knowledge and confidence you need to ignite passion and teach academic depth and mastery.
Wherever your kids are in love of learning, you'll know how to spark interest and support deep study that results in mastery.
You'll feel confident as you move through each season of homeschooling that your kids will have a Great Education!

Learn to be an inspiring mentor that supports their unique gifts and leads them to be life-long learners and leaders.
Meet your kids where they are at and support their talents and gifts.
Teach them leadership and success skills!
Refine your homeschool with successful strategies and routines.

Effectively prepare your kids for their future endeavors, using their passions to change the world!
Help your kids discover their individual talents and unique mission in the world.
Create effective transcripts that will get them into college, trade schools and careers!
Master college admissions and scholarships!
Preparing Leaders
A Program Designed for Parents Who Want to Become a Master Homeschooler, Create Life-Long Love of Learning and Prepare Their Kids for Success in Their Unique Passions and Future Endeavors!
What’s inside Preparing Leaders?

⭐Pre-Recorded Video Lessons⭐
- Access to member resources and hours of lessons. Learn at your own pace!
- Each lesson will give you training on specific homeschooling topics (adaptable to most age groups), including strategies to implement right away.
- Lessons include guest workshops from experts in their fields!
- Lessons follow the checkpoints in The Raising Leaders Roadmap Pro. All the skills you need to become a master homeschooler.

⭐Individual Mentoring⭐
60 min once per month
Every family has unique situations and needs. Get specific mentoring on your progress, implementation and troubleshooting.
Priceless private time to gain confidence, discuss individual kid's needs and get strategies to help them thrive.
Get resources where appropriate that are targeted directly to your family's needs.
**Become Freedom Scholar certified after completing the program! 🎓

⭐Detailed Worksheets, Printable Info & BONUS Templates!⭐
These comprehensive worksheets combined with the planners will walk you through every step of the strategies in each lesson.
They will help you define the ideas and strategies for your individual family's needs and implement them into your homeschool.
You'll get all the information in downloadable, printable format to keep forever!
Course Descriptions
Sample School Withdrawal Letter
Recommended Reading List
Love of Learning Assessment
*Homeschool Success Parent Planner & Recordbook (51 pages!) & **Student Version as well!
*Also, you'll have access to a private Facebook group with other parents gaining a sense of community, a support system, network, encouragement and ask questions, get opinions or feedback.
⭐You Will Learn:
Meet your guest mentors below!
Subject Mastery:
How to teach entrepreneurship & money
How to teach math without killing it
Teaching writing mastery with fun and inspiration
How to love of reading & teach reading mastery
Create a love of and depth in history
How and why to teach civics to create leaders
Inspire life-long learning!
Mastering Mentorship:
Creating leaders
Teaching students with special needs
How to best mentor gifted students
Refining your routines for success
Project-based learning
How to lead an effective discussion
Your kids' path to the next stage of life!
Preparing for Future Success:
Creating great high school transcripts & course descriptions
College preparation: admissions, scholarships, etc.
Helping students discover their unique mission/purpose/passion
And More!
12-Month Access
Total Value: $19,000
Book a free strategy session to find out if this is right for you!*Discount for active duty military and fire/police!
See FAQ's at bottom for questions.
Meet your Mentors!

Hey There! I'm Kami Wanous!
I am a credentialed teacher with over 7 years teaching experience in public education and homeschooler since 2008.
I live with my husband, Eric, and son in Northern California.
My study and teaching background is in English, leadership, freedom and success principles. She have a deep passion for freedom and education which is evident in my educational mentoring services and free content on social media.
My mission is to heal families through creating a rich Love of Learning culture and environment, resulting in life-long, passionate, mission-driven leaders and close family relationships that move society in their unique way toward freedom!
I have been honored to be featured on CBS News, guest writer and speaker for many homeschooling conventions, podcasts and YouTube channels, including the Thomas Jefferson Education Homeschooling Convention veterans' panel.
What other’s are saying about Homeschool Success Mastery:

Sara Liu
“In addition to Kami being very knowledgeable about the homeschooling process, her passion for the subject radiates through interactions with her, which in turn creates an empowering and can-do spirit within myself. I'm confident that I can always rely on Kami to provide excellent information and feedback to any of my concerns about homeschooling. I always highly recommend her as a primary resource to all my new and even seasoned homeschooling parents."

Julie Crafton
“Kami is an amazing homeschool mentor. Her coaching helped give me the confidence to believe that I can do this! She has an infectious enthusiasm and positivity that will breathe life into your homeschool experience."

Claudia Houston
“Kami will help you unleash your questions and doubts about what road is best to take for your homeschool journey. This will help your children in the long run to take the right direction to accomplish what they want at the end of the day. Kami’s program is an investment in yourself. You can save your energy, time, and expense, and have the pleasure of knowing that you place the ladder exactly where you are heading."

Anayely Lara
"I loved the course!" It was very informative and it opened my eyes to what homeschooling can be. Kami is a great mentor and motivator."