Our Deepest Wisdom Dec 31, 2022

Happy New Year!

There are moments when it’s natural to reflect.  2022 has been a rough year for a lot of people and a hard year for freedom.  The world has seen a decline in health that would rival most other times in history, and perhaps more to come.  Between economic decline and shifts, combined...

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The Day After Veterans Day Nov 11, 2022

Yesterday, November 11, 2019, was Veterans Day. As usual, social media was flooded with posts from friends, family, acquaintances and groups thanking our vets for their sacrifice and service. There were many comments about heroes, bravery, and most frequently…freedom. It was interesting to me that e...

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The Greatest Time To Live Nov 04, 2022

These have been some hard times.  We've had "unprecedented" experiences (anyone else with me and tired of hearing that word?).  Lives, especially childhoods, families and traditions have been disrupted.  And probably most importantly, lots of freedoms threatened and lost.  Dealing with all that and ...

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Inspire Greatness in Your Home Oct 16, 2022

When you look into your kids' eyes, what do you see? The potential for greatness? Of course you do! But how do you inspire greatness in your home? Herein lies one of every parent's most ambitious task and one that only a small percentage will intentionally attempt. But you can, and the world needs...

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What is Today For? Sep 26, 2022

Do you ever have those homeschool days? You know, those days, the ones that don't go as planned or end up in disaster! We all have them, and really, they happen more often than not in some cases. So what do you do with those days? They certainly can make you question yourself and homeschooling in ...

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Mentoring Matters Sep 08, 2022

There is a serious vacuum in the world today of real leadership. I think we can all agree on that. As parents, we want our kids to be leaders. When we hold our new baby in our arms, we don’t want them to just survive, we want them to thrive and move the world toward a better place. Many times, thoug...

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Out of Our Comfort Zone into Life-Long Learning Sep 08, 2022

A few weeks ago, we took our new trailer to the central CA coast. We had a great time overall, but I wouldn’t call it a restful and regenerative trip. We were definitely pushed way out of our comfort zone! It is a habit that we intentionally work on.

We’ve always wanted a travel trailer for lots of...

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What is Homeschooling Curriculum? Sep 08, 2022

It is that time of year when homeschooling parents are gathering their curriculum and making plans for the start of the next school year. The question that I see posted all over right now is, “What’s a good curriculum for a ___ grader?” The problem with this question is two-fold. The first problem i...

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We Want Them to Be Happy Sep 08, 2022

In my initial session when mentoring homeschooling parents, I always “begin with the end in mind” as Stephen Covey says. I ask them what they want their children to be able to do, who they want them to be and what they want them to know. Almost every time, included in the response is: “We want them ...

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Homeschooling IS Freedom Sep 07, 2022

One of the primary principles of freedom is independence. The opportunity for independence, or self-reliance, in all areas of life is paramount to a free society. Food sources, energy, water, health, finances, housing, and education are just some of the areas where the opportunity to be independent ...

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What people are saying about The Freedom Scholar Blog:

Michelle LeMay

Mom of 2/Business Owner

“A blog is only as good as its blogger. Kami brings to her blog – and everything else she does – a high quality of character, integrity, education, passion and compassion. Part student, part teacher, she puts in the time to do the research and then turns around and pays it forward to me and all her followers. She is a true freedom fighter!”

Dana Vandeweg

Mom of 2/Homeschooler

“The Freedom Scholar is timely and insightful blog. Regardless of political slant, we should all know our constitutional rights and freedoms. Kami is well-educated and therefore she provides a needed informational platform and space for respectful discussions. Thank you, I always look forward to your posts and updates.”

Randy Colvin

Retired Air Traffic Controller/Business Owner

“Kami has put together a well thought out blog that comes from a thorough historical education of the founding of our nation. It will get you to think. It will change your perspective on just who are Founding Fathers were. As someone who was educated back in the 60’s, what I learned about our U.S. history is very different than what is being taught today. Although not discussed much today, things like integrity, character, and honor do mean something. They always will. Kami ignites your mind to engage the actual process of THINKING instead of just being led by a particular narrative which seems so popular in today’s culture. The world of IDEAS is here for you to discover for yourself. It’s been a revealing and pleasant journey. I highly recommend you spend your time delving into something that can and WILL illuminate your understanding of what freedom is all about!”